The Glamorous Life of a S@HM

This blog is to record 365 days in my glamorous life as a S@HM (stay at home mom) Is every day really a vacation and do I get any sick days? You be the judge.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Glamorous Day 25 This day was out of order

This day was out of order and unstructured my worst enemy.  Hubs was up very early and out the door somewhere between 5am and 5:30am.  I was up 6:20am for the usual morning routine. Had to write and fax notes to Anna's school. 6:45 Sofia was crying so I brought her to my bed.  Texted hubs. Went back to sleep.  Sofia slept until 9:30ish  Made breakfast, emptied dishwasher, dried clothes, and looked at coupons and recipes on web.  Sofia and I went to HEB grocery for some things, I was just taking my time,  My cell phone rang about 1:40pm.  School nurse calling that Cooper was sick and needed to be picked up.  Had to check out, put groceries in car, call mom to tell her I would be home late (she was waiting there to keep Sofia and Cooper while I took Anna to doctor).  Dash into Anna's school sign her out, drive over to Cooper's school, rush in to check him out, get home unload groceries, put up cold things, rush Anna to her appointment.  Made it to Anna's appointment and home by 3:30. Mom made some kind of Mexican casserole with corn.  We are not corn fans.  Sofia never slept when I put her for nap.  She has still been coughing and has runny nose.  Cooper has to stay home tomorrow since he was sent home today.  Not sure if Sofia can go to school tomorrow either.  Washed load of clothes for Anna.  Cooper went to scouts and Anna went to Tennis.  Gave Sofia a bath. Took a shower.  Anna and Cooper made it home.  Counting the minutes to put Sofia to bed....10, 9, 8....  Pack Anna's lunch and snacks for her all day Tennis Tournament tomorrow.  I will call hubs and chat a while, maybe watch a little TV then off to bed for me.

Ciao and good night 8:55pm


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