The Glamorous Life of a S@HM

This blog is to record 365 days in my glamorous life as a S@HM (stay at home mom) Is every day really a vacation and do I get any sick days? You be the judge.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Glamorous Day 17 Back on track

Ok I have this blog back up to date.  Finally a good night's sleep.  Hubs made me a cappuccino this morning...yummy!  Breakfast, read through the news paper. I finished scanning Cooper's project. We went to Abuelita and Papa's for lunch. Family was all there including Rosita and Jack Aultman.  It's nice having them back with us in the family.  We ate and visited a while then came home so hubs could rest a while before he got back to working for the evening.  Sofia took a nap, hubs napped/watched football.  I started transcribing Cooper's stories.  I got one completed.  We had leftovers for dinner.  I cleaned the kitchen, emptied and reloaded dishwasher, gathered laundry and started the first load of two.  I really need to clean the house and thought I would do it tomorrow.  I forgot tomorrow is MLK day and the kids are off from school and I have to take them to the doctor for their check ups.  That will take most of the day.  Hmmmmm maybe Tuesday afternoon.   I just looked at the clock and it is 9:50pm.  Sofia will need to be in bed soon.  I would like to start on another one of Cooper's stories before I go to bed.  I need to put wash in dryer and start another load first.

Ciao and good night.


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