The Glamorous Life of a S@HM

This blog is to record 365 days in my glamorous life as a S@HM (stay at home mom) Is every day really a vacation and do I get any sick days? You be the judge.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Glamorous Day 10 Long night, long day

Last night was another cold one.  Hubs had the great idea of keeping Sofia in our bed.  That is always rough because she keeps me awake for hours, past 2am this time.  Then at some point she turns her wiggling towards daddy and I get a few hours of sleep.  Up around 9am I made oatmeal for breakfast, browsed the paper, checked and updated a few blogs.  Hubs started on a closet project.  I cooked salmon patties and mac & cheese for lunch.  Cleaned up the dishes and started on the spaghetti sauce and meatballs for dinner. Yes I make my own sauce and slow cook it for hours, no jars for us.  Hubs family tradition was pasta on Sundays so I try to keep that up. I then tackled the entrance forms for Sofia's school.  Only 18 pages long to fill out and 17 signatures to sign. Put Anna's tennis match dates in the calendar and filled out her picture form.

4:08pm Not feeling to well.  Heavy eyes, runny nose, and slight head ache so I finally got around to taking an allergy pill.  Watching the sauce simmer.  Need to pick up Sofia's mess and redistribute clutter. Spoke with my aunt Donna and then with my mother on the telephone.  Worked a few minutes on my cookbook project which will be expanded to three cookbooks.  Read a few writing articles and synced my iPhone.

6:55pm Anna and Cooper are back.  We had dinner with only one small incident, Cooper spilling grated cheese.  Anna cleaned plates and one pot then made her hasty exit to her room.  I sent Cooper to practice his trumpet, OUCH he's only been playing 4 months.  Hubs retreated to his closet clean up which is a major task.  Sofia went upstairs to play.  I finished the kitchen clean up.  I am making my to do list for tomorrow.  Aside from my usual routine I need ...interupted by Cooper not wanting to practice more than 15 minutes.  I am really sleepy maybe from lack of sleep last night, cold medicine, or both.  I think I need to get my desk cleaned up some more.  Nawww I'll read a few blogs, search a few books, and now it's time to give Sofia a bath and I will shower.  Add last  Twighlight audiobook to my iPhone. That done I empty the dishwasher, make Sofia a snack, and cook sausage for breakfast.  Put Sofia to bed.  Here I sit blogging @ 9:54pm.

My "regular" week starts again tomorrow so I'll start making my final pass through the house.  Pick up the kids laundry to start in the morning.  Make a to do list for tomorrow so I remember what I need to do and update grocery list.  Then it's off to snuggle in my bed for another night of mid 20's.

Ciao and good night. 10:10pm


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