The Glamorous Life of a S@HM

This blog is to record 365 days in my glamorous life as a S@HM (stay at home mom) Is every day really a vacation and do I get any sick days? You be the judge.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Glamorous Day 7 Don't crank call a crank!

Who dares to disturb my sleep!!!

I did get to listen to Twighlight for a while last night then went to sleep but my phone rang 3 times before 3am in the morning, same "private caller" that called the other day at 5am. He lets it ring once and hangs up. The caller's number 832-877-1548 is if anyone feels like making a crank call in the middle of the night.  I did call him back at 6:30am and woke him up and asked him to stop calling. Doubt that will help.

Was up at my usual 6:20am to make lunches, breakfasts, and pass out meds.  6:45am drove kids to school.  As Anna is on her way out of the car she informs me that she forgot her art drawing.  I will have to take it back to the school before lunch.  Once at home I get back in bed and chat with hubs until he get's up at 7:45ish.  I stayed there until 8:45.  Got up, got Sofia up, gave her breakfast, vitamins, medicine for a cold.  I showered and got ready for the gym.  I tried to give myself an excuse not to go like Sofia needed to stay in from the cold but hubs offered to watch her even though he had a call to listen to.  I hurried out so I could get home quickly.  I dropped off Anna's art, went to the gym and did a fast but hard 40 minute workout and rushed home.   Hubs was on the phone, my mother called, and Sofia was in my room crying.  I think she started when she heard me come in the door.  I held her and loved her for a few minutes then we went into the kitchen to make lunch.  I threw together an Italian beef (I had some leftover brisket), pasta, vegetable soup...Pasta Fagioli of sorts.  I also made toasted ham and three cheese sandwiches.  I rock the impromptu meal thing.   As I was cleaning up Sofia threw her soup on the more cleaning to do!  I gathered up more dirty clothes and started the washer.  Put Sofia down for a nap but as I type I can hear her playing like a wild woman.  I will need to go up and try to settle her down.  Looks like hubs is taking a nap.  Must be nice.
I have to pick up some more and Anna and Cooper will be home.  When they get home today I have to take Cooper to Trumpet lessons.  Then I will probably have to start something for dinner.

When Cooper got home we had a discussion about what activities he likes (band, scouts, tennis, video games), school, and priorities.  He had a friend come over to play and stay for dinner.  I decided on simple kid friendly dogs, bourbon brown sugar baked beans, and chips.  Hubs and I had champagne, does that count as glamorous?

7pm it was time to sit down and watch BCS National Championship football game.  Texas v Alabama.  I put on my jammies, washed my face, and put on my face cream. Anything to have a little more time to listen to Twighlight and glance at the game when the kids go to bed.  I'm rooting for Texas and hubs is for Alabama.

Hook em' Horns!   Ciao and good night. 9:03pm


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