The Glamorous Life of a S@HM

This blog is to record 365 days in my glamorous life as a S@HM (stay at home mom) Is every day really a vacation and do I get any sick days? You be the judge.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Glamorous Day 4 *&%$*# What?

@*#&%^) bleep bleep!  I had todays post almost finished and it actually had some humor to it and the page  reloaded and came back blank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now it is 11:13pm and I will attempt to remember what I had blogged.   I started with Sofia waking me up at 4am with a wet bed, I changed her and brought her to my bed where she kept me awake until 7:30am when we finally fell asleep.  We were awakened at 9am when the phone rang.  I put a load of laundry in the wash then we decided to make our Costco run and made it out the door with only a small altercation about Cooper's hair.  Poor Cooper was blessed with shaggy curly hair so today it was unrulier than usual so after a few attempts to tame it I insisted on a ball cap.  We purchased our needed consumables and a pair of leopard print fuzzy jammies for ME raaaarrrrrr!  On the way home we stopped at a Chinese/Sushi buffet for lunch and believe it or not, EVERYONE was happy.  Once home I put the clothes in the dryer and started another load of wash including my new jammies.  Cannot wait to get them on.   Sofia went down for a nap and actually slept and I had time to speed through several DVR'd episodes of General Hospital.  Hello my name is Monika and I watch GH, but its my mother's fault.  Really!  She watched it to learn English.  She is from Madrid, Spain and my father is from West Virginia....does that make me a Mediteranean Hillbilly? I digress.
By now it is about 5ish and I wake Sofia up and sit her at the kitchen table to bake with play-dough while I decide on what to cook for dinner.  I made homemade meatballs and gravy, using my mother's recipe which I keep in my head, and frozen french fries.  Usually I would make mashed potatoes but I only had one potato.  We had dinner, Anna went to a tennis lesson, I was cold so I showered, Cooper played with Sofia, and hubs was in his office.  Hubs and I watched a show about Apple Inc. and at 10pm Sofia was put to bed.  About 10:30ish I started to blog and you know the rest.  However I did forget to mention this is still not my "Normal" routine since the kids are still not back in school until Wednesday.

11:42PM AND NOW I AM TOO TIRED TO LISTEN TO TWIGHLIGHT, AND I AM AT A REALLY GOOD PART.  So I must say Ciao, good night, and I'm lovin' these jammies.  Should have gotten the zebra print pair too.  Oh that reminds me, the boots I ordered came today and they are awesome.


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