The Glamorous Life of a S@HM

This blog is to record 365 days in my glamorous life as a S@HM (stay at home mom) Is every day really a vacation and do I get any sick days? You be the judge.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Glamorous Day 28 Sleepless but functioning

Once again I was kept awake by a crying toddler until 1:30am.  Then awakened at 4:30am and 5:45am. I was up from then on making breakfast, lunches, getting kids to school, and showering before 7am.  I had Sofia to school by 9am and instead of going to the gym I went and had my nails done.  That sounds wonderful but in reality the lady was so slow.  I had to be at the High School to volunteer at 10:05am and that is when she finished.  I rushed out of there to my car and to the school and messed up the polish!!!!!  The last time I had the luxury of getting my nail done was in August...5 months ago!  Anyway I got to the school and was selling Freshman class t-shirts.  I got to visit with a few of the other moms so that was nice.  I then went to sit with Sofia while she had her lunch at school and then we came home.  I emptied the dishwasher then put her for a nap.  30 minutes after she fell asleep Cooper came home from school and I had to take him to trumpet lessons.  I had let Anna go to the mall with friends to get her outfit for the Sadie Hawkins dance this weekend.  So with nobody to watch Sofia i had to wake her up and take her with me.  We dropped off Cooper and came home.  Abuelita was nice enough to pick him up and bring him home.  At 5:30pm we went to the mall to pick up Anna and the we went to Chinese/Sushi buffet for dinner.  After dinner we were near Abuelita and Pappa's house so we by to visit for a little while.  We were home by 8pm and Sofia had a bath then her nightly popcorn.  Now all the kids are in bed and I have already spoken to hubs, who comes home tomorrow, so I am free to sleep.  I hope I can get a good nights sleep tonight.

Ciao and good night 10:41pm  sorry no daughter took one of my back to use a reference for a painting she is doing but I will not disturb you with that one.


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