The Glamorous Life of a S@HM

This blog is to record 365 days in my glamorous life as a S@HM (stay at home mom) Is every day really a vacation and do I get any sick days? You be the judge.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Glamorous Day 21 One day late

I am sitting outside getting some sun on my too white legs while I write yesterdays blog.  Yes late again, but since  I have no followers nobody will know.

Up for the morning routine at 6:20am.  Meds, lunches, breakfasts, and take kids to school. Got Sofia up and ready for school.  Dropped her off, went to the gym, went to browse at Home Goods and Target, made a return at Cato, and picked up prescriptions at Kroger.  Went early to get Sofia and sat with her class while they ate lunch.  Came home, made hubs and I lunch, gave Sofia a bath, and put her for a nap.  I was not feeling well so I lay on the couch but Anna called at 2:40 and needed me to pick her up.  Picked up Anna and brought her home just in time to take Cooper to trumpet lessons.  At 4:20 when Cooper got back he and Anna went with RWC for the evening.  I chilled in the livingroom until hubs came out of his office at 6pm starving.....I asked him at 4:30 what he would like for dinner and he said he was too busy.  So I had nothing thawed to cook.  He wanted to go out but I felt too bad so we ordered Chinese takeout.  After dinner he went back to work and Sofia and I watched Iron Chef .  Anna came home and watched with us.  Cooper stayed with RWC.  Soon it was after 9pm and time for the kids to go to bed.  I stayed up a little long but was in bed myself before too long.  Hope I feel better tomorrow.

Ciao and good night.


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