The Glamorous Life of a S@HM

This blog is to record 365 days in my glamorous life as a S@HM (stay at home mom) Is every day really a vacation and do I get any sick days? You be the judge.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Glamorous Day 5 S@HM hear me roar!

Woohoo it's 9:40pm I am a S@HM hear me roar.

Awaken out of my cozy sleep at 5:59am by the telephone ringing...wrong number.  If you know how I am about my sleep you would never wake me up unless it was life or death.  I do not, let me repeat that DO NOT, like to be bothered when I am sleeping.  I will be mean and grouchy to you and possibly others all day.  Went back to sleep until 9am, remember this is not my usual routine.  Got up, got kids up, made Sofia breakfast, ate some cereal, and then got myself ready for the gym.  Left the house at 10:20am, Kids were given instructions, hubs was in his office working.  Had my one hour workout, yes I actually sweat and do more than a treadmill.   I use weights, machines, resistance bands, squats, lunges, the real deal.  This is something I started in September every Tuesday and Thursday.  I am happy to say I have only missed one day because I was sick.

After my workout I went home, unloaded the dishwasher, and took out all the leftovers and fixed myself and Sofia lunch. Hubs made a sandwich the older kids ate later. Once again I cleaned the kitchen.  No laundry today!!!

After lunch I showered and Sofia had a bath.  I put her down for a nap and got myself ready for my GYN annual exam (what a joy).   My appointment was at 3:15 so I left the house at 2:30.  I arrived at the ever growing medical complex area and to my amazement I found a close parking spot.  Oh but too soon to celebrate, I got out of the car and saw that the entrance was blocked off.  Back into the car and drove around to another building and parked in the garage.  I had to walk over a crossover walkway to the main hospital and wind my way through it to get to the part that led to the tower I needed to be in.   Wrong again, there was a wall where the entrance used to be.  Aaaarrrrgggg! So to make a long story short I had to walk all the way back to the parking garage where I parked, find another elusive walkway that went to a new tower (I did not even know it was opened yet, nor did I know my doctor of the last 22 years had moved there).  I had to wind through barren hallways until I found an elevator, the maze continued to another elevator.  Oh and to make matters worse as I stepped off the elevator my GYN got on the elevator.  Seems she had a baby to deliver so I would have to wait until she got back. That running around only took me 35 minutes!!!!

I actually made it home around 5:30pm just in time to start dinner.  I fried fish, baked french fries, and steamed edamame (soy beans).   I cleaned the kitchen.  Talked to hubs for a few minutes here and there.
Anna and Cooper have school tomorrow so I prepacked as much of Cooper's lunch as I could, cooked breakfast sausage links for their breakfast, sorted Anna's medicines for the week, sorted out my medicine for the week.   Gave Sofia an antihistamine for her runny nose and watery eyes, poor baby.  Sat down, not kidding, I sat down to check the school grade website.  Anna and Cooper get very good grades as long as I watch over their shoulders and limit Anna's text messaging and Cooper's computer or console game playing.

Now I am through with my duties of the day and I can get on my warm jammies, crawl into my bed, and listen to Twighlight.   I will be up at 6:20am to get the kids lunches and breakfast ready, make sure they take their medications, hurry them up, and drive them to school at 6:45am.

And that is how a S@HM rolls!!  Ciao and good night 10:29pm


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