The Glamorous Life of a S@HM

This blog is to record 365 days in my glamorous life as a S@HM (stay at home mom) Is every day really a vacation and do I get any sick days? You be the judge.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Glamorous Day 18 TV Time for myself

Up at 8:30am I could get used to this sleeping late.  Got Sofia up, breakfast, dressed, and out the door by 9:45am.   Picked up Anna and Cooper from RWC to take them to the pediatrician for their check ups.  We made it out by 11:40am at to Abuelita's for lunch.  On our way home we stopped to save a tiny little dog that was running on the highway.  Anna chased it and led it off to the service road with the help of a man.  After about 45 minutes and not being able to pick up the dog I had to make Anna get back in the car leaving another couple trying to catch the little dog.  When we got home RWC took Anna and Cooper fishing and they were going to spend another night.   I vacuumed out my car, every crack and cranny, wiped and cleaned every surface, and traded out Sofia's car seats.  Kids can really make a car dirty.  It really needs to be washed but it is going to rain in a few days.   When I came in I read my emails, Google reader, and browsed a little.  Time to make dinner.  I grilled pork chops, made rice, and sugar peas.  I haven't done any grilling myself in such a long time that I charred the chops a little and I hate charred meat.  After dinner I cleaned up then I starting planning my spring planting.  Ok maybe just thinking about it but I did search for a way to make a screened or net enclosure so the birds won't eat and destroy all my veggies this year.  Started a load of laundry, gave Sofia a bath, and cleaned up her toys.  Put Sofia to bed and sat my butt down to watch Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice season premiers.  I am blogging and watching MY SHOWS!  It has been forever.  I will be going to bed soon.

Ciao and good night.


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