The Glamorous Life of a S@HM

This blog is to record 365 days in my glamorous life as a S@HM (stay at home mom) Is every day really a vacation and do I get any sick days? You be the judge.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Glamorous Day 31 Fire Safe - not too secure

Since Anna and I were up past midnight last night after her dance we all got up late this morning 9am.  We looked at the paper and had breakfast.  I took Anna to church at 11:00am and went shopping/browsing for an hour until time to pick her up.  She had this wonderful idea to "run by me."  She thought I could just fly her and ,I to see her new love, across the state for Valentine's weekend.  Remember she is just 14 and must be crazy if she thinks that is a possibility.  I gently crushed her fantasy.  She cried the whole day.  Broke my heart.  If she only knew she will be crying over boys the rest of her life.

When we got home hubs wanted to go to Fry's to buy me a new printer, so sweet, so I called Abuelita come over and stay with the girls. She came and brought little cousin Olivia to play with Sofia.  Hubs, Cooper, and I went to Fry's.  When we got home I changed the sim card from my iPhone, the one I shattered, to the old iPhone that Sofia plays with.  It took a while to get it all set back up.  Hubs hooked up my new printer. I emptied the dishwasher and put away the clean dishes. I made pasta shells and sauce, sauce was previously made and frozen, and a salad for dinner.  That was my best sauce ever I do believe.  After dinner I cleaned up the kitchen, bathed Sofia, started a load of clothes in the washer, and searched for the keys to my fire safe.  Did I mention I locked the box and hid the key but I have no clue where. I am not so sure why I locked it because I never have before.  I went online to see if I could order a key and to my surprise found countless YouTube videos showing different ways to open it.  I just used the file on fingernail clippers and pushed the latch with NO effort and BING it popped open.  Our passports are now free and we can purchase our airline tickets to Spain for the summer!!! Scary how easy that was and now I have to clean up the huge mess I created in my closet while searching!

9:59pm all kids are in bed and I need to put the clothes in the dryer and start my nightly ritual so I can go to bed.

Ciao and good night.


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