The Glamorous Life of a S@HM

This blog is to record 365 days in my glamorous life as a S@HM (stay at home mom) Is every day really a vacation and do I get any sick days? You be the judge.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Glamorous Day 12 Empty nest

Today started as usual getting the teens off to school and laying down for 30 more minutes...Hubs makes me feel guilty for that but in all honesty by the time I fall asleep and the alarm goes off I've had about 6 hours of sleep at the most and many times with interruptions.  I happen to be a person who needs 7-8 hours of sleep to feel sue me! But I digress.  At 7:30am I had to wake a very sleepy Sofia for her 1st day of preschool,  I made her oatmeal and milk and tried to feed her but it was a fight and she cried a few times, too early for her.  I dressed for the gym, dressed Sofia, chatted with hubs.  We both took Sofia to school so daddy could video tape the big event.  Sofia was such a little doll with her backpack and lunch.  She went right into her classroom and said goodbye without a care.  Daddy went home to work and prepare for his big promotion presentation.  He's been so nervous but I knew he had it in the bag.  He is very intelligent and valuable to his organization and does an outstanding job.  He did get the promo!!  I went to the gym and worked my tail feathers.  Anna texted me from school and asked if I could bring her lunch when I brought her picture money.  I had some time to kill so I browsed a favorite home goods store before buying her lunch and running it to her school.  I then went to the library to familiarize myself with it since I plan on spending a lot of time there writing.  Libraries have really changed and it was so intimidating I had no idea how to find a book or where to start.  I asked a librarian and she broke it down for me.   At 12:30 it was time to pick up Sofia.  So that was my 3 1/2 hours of empty nest.

I peeked in on her and she was sitting at a table eting her lunch and was sooo adorable.  The children who were staying all day were starting to lay down for their nap.  I went to speak with the owner and pay her tuition.  The owner and I get along like old friends so it's nice to have someone to talk too.  I went back to get Sofia and she told me, "Mommy, be quiet and don't wake the children,"   I could just eat her up. We could not go home until hubs called and his meeting was over so we went browsing a few boutiques nearby.

Once home Sofia went down for a nap, and never slept by the way and I had to change her bed because she poured juice everywhere.  Hubs had to leave for the airport for an overnight trip.  I started the dishwasher. Cooper came in from school and I had to run and pick Anna up.  We all had to run out to the bookstore at the mall because Anna needed one of 5 novesl for school and had to have part of it read in 2 days.  Of course she new that she would need a book for weeks.  Of all the books on her list the store only had one copy left of one of the books. On the bright side, it was a book I wanted to read myself.   On the way home we grabbed burgers and stopped at the grocery store to buy deli meat and bread. Once home watched the season premier of American Idol.  I only like the auditions and never watch the rest of the season.  My sniffling and sneezing was getting worse so I took some allergy medicine. Everyone bathed and went to bed.  I spoke on the phone to hubs briefly because he had work to prepare for his meetings tomorrow.  I don't even remember where he is.  Charlotte, N.C. I think.  He will be home tomorrow late evening and leave again the next morning for another destination.  No fun.

10:54pm and I am blogging from bed and tired.  I will call it a night and hope I get to sleep soon.

Ciao and good night.


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